Blog | Testaify

What is CCT? | Testaify

Written by Rafael E. Santos | Sep 12, 2023 12:41:00 PM

One of Testaify’s values is BOLDNESS. We are committed to developing a platform to address the main issue with functional testing today: poorly designed tests. That is a bold move. But our boldness does not stop there: We want to provide a platform that will give our users a quantifiable picture of the quality of their products. As such, our vision goes beyond functional test efforts. We want to provide a comprehensive software testing approach covering many different aspects of testing.

One of the terms I hate most is "nonfunctional" testing. This industry uses a negative to create an umbrella testing term to describe performance, usability, accessibility, security, etc. “Non” also implies that functional is more important than performance or usability testing. While in the early days of product development, getting your code to run and do something was a significant achievement, those days are long gone. Hopefully, the term nonfunctional testing will go away soon.

These days, I cringe when some software testing market analyst says that functional test efforts are the core (Yes, I am looking at you, Forrester). A few years back, I had to improve a mobile application. The app was getting minimal adoption even when it had all the functionality expected. It did not take a lot of time to figure out the problem. In ten minutes, I devised six tests that would crash the app every time. Functionally, it had all the features, but when it came to some of those aspects that fall within the performance umbrella, the reliability and stability of the application had severe problems.

Even if you are developing a simple social media application or a game, your product will only become viable if you take a more comprehensive approach to quality. If your user experience (UX) is terrible, it will not matter that your product has all the features. You will lose in the marketplace. You will lose in the market if your application is unstable or performs poorly.

Today, you must consider many aspects to understand your product’s quality clearly. Our goal with Testaify is to provide a Continuous Comprehensive Testing (CCT) platform. The Testaify platform will enable you to evaluate the following aspects:

  • Functional
  • Usability
  • Performance
  • Accessibility
  • Security

While we cannot offer all these perspectives with the first release, we want you to know where we want to go as we reach for the CCT star.

As the name implies, we want to do it continuously. Thanks to the eXtreme Programming (XP) community, the world of software development was introduced to Continuous Integration as a software development practice. From there, we move to Continuous Delivery, then Continuous Deployment, and inevitably to what we call DevOps today.

If your CI/CD pipeline gives you a partial view of the quality of every build, then it is time for you to start planning for Testaify. Testaify’s AI-driven discovery engine will enable our users to achieve a standard of testing continuously and comprehensively, allowing teams to improve their products. You can compare quality today vs. yesterday as you address valid defects and make changes. You will have a quality scorecard with every release, all from the perspective of the users of the system.

That’s Testaify!