Posts about Continuous Comprehensive Testing

Testaify is leading the push to deliver continuous comprehensive testing through AI.

Continuous Comprehensive Testing: Essential Perspectives | Testaify

· 5 min read

Continuous testing promotes testing efficiency, but product quality al...

Steve, a fictional technology executive, has one eyebrow raised and a question mark behind him.

Turn Testing into a Productivity Powerhouse (like Steve!)

· 3 min read

Turn testing into a productivity powerhouse. This blog examines how to...

Status quo testing will break your heart - until now! Testaify's CCT will change the game.

The Heartbreaking Truth About Your Functional Test Efforts

· 4 min read

Functional testing could break your heart... but not for long! Continu...

The many aspects of software testing, including functional,  usability, performance, accessibility, and security testing, come together under a single umbrella: Continuous Comprehensive Testing. CCT is our vision for what Testaify, our AI-first software testing platform, will do.

What is CCT?

· 2 min read

Home Blog What is CCT? One of Testaify’s values is BOLDNESS. We are co...

Angry customer wonders if you tested your software before release. Testing is the only way inject quality into your product!

Level Up Quality: Testaify Enables CCT

· 2 min read

It hurts when angry customers wonder if you bothered testing your prod...