Posts about Jobs and Roles (2)

Sheryl, a fictional tester, is a system thinker who's able to see the big picture when it comes to her product. How will AI support system thinkers like Sheryl? By turning them into Beekeepers!

Testaify, System Thinkers, and Exploratory Testing

· 2 min read

Home Blog Testaify, System Thinkers, and Exploratory Testing Hi, teste...

Testing is broken. Continuous functional testing is out of reach. Or is it? This broken bone can be set right with Testaify, our AI-first testing platform.

Testing is broken.

· 3 min read

Testing is broken because no one ever cared to build the proper founda...

Will AI take over the world and cost all of our jobs? No way! AI will help us to work smarter and harder! Our robot overlords will be productivity support assets.

Let’s See What this AI Thing Will Do!

· 3 min read

Is AI the big bad that will destroy jobs? History shows that transform...