Posts about Product Quality

A frustrated man has a computer over his head with his forehead on his desk.

Does software quality matter in the technology world?

· 4 min read

Microsoft accustomed users to poor product quality. That changed with ...

Welcome to the future. It's here, but it's not equally distributed, especially when it comes to software quality.

So, software quality assurance is better. Now what?

· 3 min read

Let's use the Marick Test Matrix to answer the question, Is software q...

Is quality assurance better today than it was 20 years ago?

Is software quality assurance better today than 20 years ago?

· 3 min read

Is software quality assurance better than it was 20 years ago? Yes. Bu...

Culture is the missing quality attribute that we don't consider when it comes to product quality.

A Quality Journey and the Missing Quality Attribute: Culture

· 5 min read

How does culture affect software testing and quality? Culture matters....

The AI revolution will help inexperienced testers and developers most. It will also free up experienced resources to focus on high-value work as you work toward your goal of Continuous Functional Testing.

QA Leaders: AI can help your team become better testers!

· 3 min read

While some believe AI is the end of the average worker, Carl Benedikt ...

Five stars!

Is Quality Engineering Another Buzzword to Sell You More Stuff?

· 4 min read

Is "Quality Engineering" just a sales buzzword? We analyze the contrad...

The original iPhone was an inflection point in technology: It changed the world. We believe Testaify is the next inflection point as we pursue our goal of Continuous Comprehensive Testing.

Testaify and the Ever-Rising Quality Standard

· 3 min read

The iPhone changed the game. It was an inflection point that redefined...

Steve, a fictional technology executive, needs to teach his peers about product quality: not all defects are equal, testing is sampling, and there is no perfect software.

Ready to Teach Your Exec Team about Product Quality? Follow Steve!

· 5 min read

There are many lessons technology leaders have to teach their executiv...

There are 16 quality reasons why Testaify helps devs and sales.

16 Quality Reasons Why Devs and Sales Need Testaify to Get Along

· 3 min read

There are 16 quality reasons why Testaify will help sales and devs to ...

The many aspects of software testing, including functional,  usability, performance, accessibility, and security testing, come together under a single umbrella: Continuous Comprehensive Testing. CCT is our vision for what Testaify, our AI-first software testing platform, will do.

What is CCT?

· 2 min read

Home Blog What is CCT? One of Testaify’s values is BOLDNESS. We are co...