Posts about Test Automation

Testaify is leading the push to deliver continuous comprehensive testing through AI.

Continuous Comprehensive Testing: Essential Perspectives | Testaify

· 5 min read

Continuous testing promotes testing efficiency, but product quality al...

Agile testing is here to stay, but autonomous testing makes agile even better!

Agile Testing and the Role of Automation

· 5 min read

Agile testing integrates continuous, iterative testing with developmen...

A happy engineer launches a test session and then leaves for lunch, confident the functional testing will generate actionable results.

Get ready to bring Testaify into your development process

· 4 min read

With Testaify, launch an AI-driven test session and leave for lunch. Y...

Test automation is a sickness because it keeps us busy with scripts, not with talking about test strategy. We have to switch gears.

Why do we discuss test automation so much?

· 4 min read

Talking about software test automation gets in the way of talking abou...